SID srl - PMI Innovativa | Innovative SME
P.I.-VAT no.: IT02222500411
Capitale sociale | Share capital: € 100.000 fully paid-up
segreteria @
Fano Ancona Vienna |
we design strategies,
we develop projects
to help secure Regional, National, and European Grants.
We assist companies, organizations, and startups in bringing their ideas and projects to life.
Information is provided on the most suitable grants and funds for developing your ideas and fulfilling your needs;
Planning and management of fundraising and crowdfunding activities are handled;
The right strategies are designed and projects developed to ensure success;
Assistance is offered in interactions with managing bodies to promote project success; Support is available for administrative management and project reporting.
Through fundraising strategies and project development, including the creation of strategic partnerships within the EU.
My bed and Breakfast
Bed and Breakfast
Regione Marche
Regione Marche
Support green development
Next generation sustainable building.
Innovazione di prodotto sostenibile e digitale
Sustainable and digital product innovation
Co-marketing actions to promote turism
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Culture
Capacity building per gli operatori della cultura per gestire la transizione digitale e verde
Capacity building per gli operatori della cultura per gestire la transizione digitale e verde
Regione Marche
Università Ca’ Foscari
Turismo Culturale Sostenibile
Ricerca e Sviluppo per innovare
VivaTech Paris 22-25 2024 May
VivaTech is an annual technology conference and trade show held in Paris, France. It serves as a global meeting point for startups, established companies, investors, and innovators.
Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale,
Ministry of Culture
Attrattività dei borghi storici”
Progetti locali di rigenerazione culturale e sociale dei piccoli borghi storici, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU